Today on this Good Friday of 2024 we will look at just how Jesus gave everything He had to go to the cross on our behalf.
PALM SUNDAY Today in our study time we will look at Luke's version of The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. That Great Day was prophesied by the Prophets…
Today's study will take us through Acts 4 and looking at the different kinds of fillings that the Holy Spirit works in us. Private, and corporately for our needs.
In today's study we will look at The Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Why it is necessary to seek the anointing for further service in the Lord.
This is a continuation of our previous study in exactly what the Baptism of The Holy Spirit is in the life of the believer.
Often times we hear the term "baptism of the Holy Spirit. What is it? How does one achieve it? Today we will observe from the word of God the answers…
In this study we will go over the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer.
We will be Looking at the Person of the Holy Spirit in this study today. The Holy Spirit is not an "it" but a person in fact the third person…