God Owns The Rainbow
October 9, 2021

God Owns The Rainbow

Passage: Genesis 9:8-17
Service Type:

Imagine that you are Noah and you have been in the Ark for approx 377 days floating around and all of a sudden the door opens and it is on dry ground. You exit the Ark and like Noah you are so thankful to be on dry ground again and immediately you give thanks to the Lord. But then you look around and you see the clouds again that brought so much rain that it flooded the earth. You begin to think to yourself "what if God does it again when we mess up!" God then speaks to Noah and his sons about a covenant and a promise to never do it again. Gen 9:17 And God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth." And just like that a Rainbow appears! God shows Noah & Sons that it is His covenant with them. It belongs to Him. This promise is to you and me as well. Whenever you see that rainbow always remember that God loves you and it is Him who is working behind the scenes for our good.