serving the body of Christ in many ways

 Elijah approached all the people and said, “How long are you going to be paralyzed by indecision? If the Lord is the true God, then follow him, but if Baal is, follow him!” But the people did not say a word.

1Kings 18:21

Marriage Counseling

Connect2.Life is a small, grassroots organization dedicated to the counseling needs of individuals, families, churches and communities within our sphere of influence.

Often times there comes the need to have “help” in our marriage. Much like our veh’s when they are out of alignment we need to take them in to get aligned so they can run straight (smoothly). If we continue driving the veh when it is out of alignment, it can cause more damage to the veh. Connect2.Life is designed to be just that. With the right Counsel or consulting, people can learn the necessary tools to keep their marriages aligned for the glory of God.

Connect 2 Spouse was developed after 10 yrs of counseling others and seeing the results that our marriages were intended to be. We have seen great results when both spouses seek to living a total committed life in marriage with Jesus being at the center of it.

Connect 2 Family was born out of seeing a disconnect between Parent to Children both in and outside the church. In this ever changing culture that is rapidly trying to separate our youth from the Parent, we come alongside to “Re-Connect” the two.

Connecting to Your Congregation

The Pastorate in today’s culture has brought about many stresses not only to the Pastor but also to their families. Just a quick google search will provide a plethora of questionable statistics and polls that makes one wonder “which is true?” When a Pastor reaches that point in his own life, it is not stats that is needed, it is action he seeks after.


Connect 2 Pastors is a ministry to Senior Pastors as well as their Assistant Pastors providing help to them in any area that they may need or want assistance. Our approach is to come along side pastors that need or want help and/or encouragement. Often times these roles in ministry require more than most realize.

Connect 2 Pastors is a “helps” ministry that is offered for specific (guarded) needs that require “One2One” relational time to better assist Pastors and their wives if needed.

Connect 2 Congregation can assist the Pastor to deal with any mediation problems in the fellowship that may arise whereby an outside resource is without bias to reach reconciliation.  Ephesians 2:16 Together as one body, Christ reconciled both groups to God by means of his death, and our hostility toward each other was put to death.

Connect 2 One Another can assist the Fellowship thereby giving the Pastor the ability to continue to minister to his flock without any sense of disloyalty or favoritism from one party or another.

Ministry Courses for Elders

Whether you are a church planter who is beginning a brand new start or an established church that needs some “New Direction” there sometimes comes the need to help train up leadership.

Connect2.Life can help with your Servant/Leadership Training in the following area’s:

  • Elder’s – Full role of the Elder as pointed out in 1Timothy & Titus
  • Deacons – How to operate in the role God has chosen for you
  • Ushers/Greeters – implementing & training to become more efficient to the Pastor’s liking
  • Children’s Ministry – Building a more comprehensive children’s church from A-Z

Ministry Restoration

Being in “Ministry” can sometimes produce the hardships of being at odds with those in leadership who God has placed over us. Either through a misunderstanding or a micro manager who fails to see the other party as a co-equal in the work. Often times one party or the other will just “walk away” never reconciling with each other.

Connect2.Life understands that there are always “two Sides” to the story! Many ministry partners have been injured either knowingly or unknowingly thereby giving a foothold to the enemy of God to sabotage the work of the Gospel. Many times one party or the other may not know how to bring about the first steps of reconciliation.

Connect2.Life specializes in being an agent of reconciliation in and outside the church walls. Careful consideration goes into sorting through the facts of the offending party and the one offended. Through diligent counsel & information gathering we can bring about an amicable resolution to any situation so long as both parties are willing to submit to biblical instruction.

Connect2.Life is also available to those who find themselves unable to deal with church leadership that will not lend an ear to their concerns. Biblical counsel & instruction can in fact help in the healing process for those who find themselves at odds with the church or its leadership.

First Responder

Civil unrest has taken a toll on those who we rely on to keep us safe in our communities. Where do they turn to for help after they are done helping us? has developed a ministry specifically for first responders in mind. Because of the need to be able to get past traumatic & stressful events, we want to make sure that first responders have ONE of their OWN that they can turn to for counsel and healing.

First responders such as Police Officers, Firefighters, & EMTs’ generally face horrors in their line of duty that most people seldom witness. They have taken an oath to faithfully serve their communities regardless of the nature of the call. Often times calls for service that can include death, destruction & pretty much many things that the human mind & heart were not designed to experience.

Many times first responders remain ambivalent to many of their feelings that often manifest during a personal crisis of their own. Most first responders are skeptical of the help that is afforded them because of fear of losing the very position that is responsible for them needing help. is exactly that, a “helps” ministry that takes time to develop a plan of action to get those who are still working back to work where they are able to develop tools to overcome. In the event the first responder is either about to retire or is currently retired, can help them to adjust to life after the call! also provides counsel to spouses as well as their children. Often times the family gets overlooked because of the focus on the first responder. We have found that the family has a need as well to help them cope with the struggles they often cannot see.

Grief Share


New to our services, Grief Share is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. It is not easy having to deal with all the pain and heartache from the loss of a loved one. “Grief Share” has been designed by professionals who can walk you through this difficult time.
For more information on how the classes are set up go to: www.griefshare.orgAlso you can find a group near you by going to:  Can assist those who have experienced the loss of a loved one in a low profile small group setting. We are currently Facilitating a series  that begins Feb 24th 2019 @ Willamina Free Methodist Church in Willamina Oregon.